Visual Arts And Design

LONDON - The George Lucas empire struck back Tuesday against a British prop designer who sold replicas of the iconic Stormtrooper uniforms from the "Star Wars" movies.
FBI investigates forgery claims against La. couple
BATON ROUGE, La. - The old man's sales pitch sounded plausible enough to art collector Don Fuson.

NEW YORK - In court papers filed by The Associated Press, the news organization said Shepard Fairey concocted the story that he was mistaken about which photo he used to create the famous Obama HOPE poster and disputed his contention that he has not personally profited from the iconic red, white and blue image.

PITTSBURGH - Artist Shepard Fairey, who recently admitted concealing a key mistake in a lawsuit over his use of an Associated Press photo in his famous Barack Obama "HOPE" poster, said Saturday that the error should not be viewed as "premeditated and sinister." Fairey was at the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh on Saturday night for the opening of an exhibit of his works - including the 4-foot-by-8-foot Obama poster.

NEW YORK - The artist who designed the famous Barack Obama "HOPE" poster has admitted he didn't use the Associated Press photo he originally said his work was based on but instead used a picture the news organization has claimed was his source.
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