Fashion Design

LOS ANGELES - Paris Hilton was sued Wednesday for allegedly wearing someone else's hair.

MILAN - It's no wonder the Italian businessmen claimed George Clooney was behind their fashion line - the actor knows how to wow an audience whether he's on the red carpet or the witness stand.

LOS ANGELES - The nephew of a former state legislator on Monday was fined $1,000 and ordered to perform 120 hours of community service for trying to start a romance with the sister of Anand Jon Alexander while he served as a juror during the fashion designer's sex assault trial.

LOS ANGELES - A Los Angeles juror has been fined for trying to start a romance with the sister of fashion designer Anand Jon Alexander during his rape trial.

LOS ANGELES - Fashion designer Anand Jon Alexander was sentenced Monday to 59 years to life in prison for sexually assaulting aspiring models he lured to Los Angeles.
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