School Curricula

RICHMOND, Calif. - The number of people arrested in the gang rape of a 15-year-old girl outside a high school dance in Northern California has increased to six and could get higher, authorities said.

RICHMOND, Calif. - Police made a sixth arrest Thursday in the gang rape of a 15-year-old girl outside a high school dance.

RICHMOND, Calif. - Wearing bulletproof vests, three teen suspects appeared for the first time in court Thursday on charges of gang raping a 15-year-old girl outside a high school dance while as many as two dozen people watched without calling police.

RICHMOND, Calif. - Four teenagers face adult charges in the alleged gang rape of a 15-year-old girl outside her Northern California high school's homecoming dance.

VERNON, Conn. - Several witnesses identified the man charged with fatally stabbing a University of Connecticut football player as the killer, prosecutors said Wednesday.
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