Rock Music

LOS ANGELES - Two Web sites that sold songs by The Beatles for 25 cents apiece should remain shut down indefinitely, a federal judge ruled Wednesday.

LOS ANGELES - No Doubt has sued video game maker Activision for putting words in band members' mouths.

QUANTICO, Va. - A Marine Corps sergeant pleaded guilty Wednesday to faking post-traumatic stress disorder and pretending to be an injured hero to get in free to rock concerts and professional sporting events.

PITTSBURGH - Artist Shepard Fairey, who recently admitted concealing a key mistake in a lawsuit over his use of an Associated Press photo in his famous Barack Obama "HOPE" poster, said Saturday that the error should not be viewed as "premeditated and sinister." Fairey was at the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh on Saturday night for the opening of an exhibit of his works - including the 4-foot-by-8-foot Obama poster.
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