Rio De Janeiro

RIO DE JANEIRO - A family court judge ruled Wednesday that a 7-year-old girl should be allowed to samba before a crowd of thousands as a Carnival drum corps queen, a coveted role normally reserved for sultry models.

RIO DE JANEIRO - She is the Shirley Temple of samba, a 7-year-old named to a coveted Carnival role normally reserved for barely clad models who have undergone more plastic surgeries than little Julia Lira has seen birthdays.

RIO DE JANEIRO - The end seemingly in sight, David Goodman waited anxiously to see if the Brazilian relatives of his 9-year-old son obey a court order to turn over the boy Thursday and end a long, bitter struggle over custody.

RIO DE JANEIRO - A federal court has ordered a Brazilian family to turn over a 9-year-old boy to his U.S.

RIO DE JANEIRO - Brazil's Supreme Court has delayed the return of 9-year-old boy to his U.S.
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