Puerto Rico

Sotomayor disappointed by 'wise Latina' souvenirs
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Sonia Sotomayor said Friday that she is touched by the outpouring of public support as the first Hispanic justice on the U.S.

NEW YORK - More than four decades after he hijacked a jetliner from Kennedy International to Cuba, Luis Armando Pena Soltren voluntarily returned to the same airport to surrender and face prosecution, authorities said Monday.

NEW YORK - A man wanted for hijacking a flight out of New York 40 years ago was arrested Sunday after arriving on a flight from Cuba, federal authorities said.

BAYAMON, Puerto Rico - Some 500 law officers swarmed into a public housing project and other sites Friday to dismantle a trafficking ring allegedly run by the island's top drug suspect, a man described as an aspiring Robin Hood and a patron to reggaeton stars.
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