Spanish court says hurling zinger of an obscenity at boss is no grounds for dismissal

By Daniel Woolls, AP
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Foul-mouthing boss not grounds for firing in Spain

MADRID — A court in Barcelona says insulting your boss with one particularly foul obscenity is not grounds for dismissal, insisting the slight is common in arguments in Spain and not that big a deal.

The zinger in question translates as “son of a b—-,” and was used by a worker against his boss during a January 2008 money dispute in the northeastern city of Gerona. The worker, who also called his boss “crazy,” was promptly fired.

The man lost a first court challenge, but won on appeal with the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia in February.

The ruling — first reported this week by Spanish human resources Web site Carta de Personal — said the worker should either be reinstated in his job or receive €6,483 ($9,472) in compensation. It is not known which option the employer picked.

“Without a doubt, both expressions are insulting,” Judge Sara Maria Pose Vidal said in the ruling, a copy of which was obtained by the AP. But she noted that when the man called his boss crazy, he had been on his way out of the office and the boss did not hear it.

She also wrote that the “son of a b—-” remark should be viewed in linguistic context.

“The social degradation of language has caused the expressions used by the plaintiff to become commonly used in certain settings, especially in arguments,” Pose Vidal wrote, calling his dismissal a disproportionate punishment.

The court-provided copy of the seven-page verdict had the names of the employee and company blotted out — a common practice in Spanish court dealings with the media.

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