NY man fights court ruling backing IBM firing for visiting adult chat room at work
By Jim Fitzgerald, APMonday, September 21, 2009
NY man fights IBM firing over chat room visit
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — A former IBM employee who was fired for visiting an adult chat room while at work is appealing a court decision against him.
The worker, 60-year-old James Pacenza (Puh-SEHN’-zuh), claims combat stress from Vietnam made him a sex-and-Internet addict who should have been treated, not dismissed.
He also says IBM used the chat-room visit as a pretext to fire him, while the real reasons were his symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and his age.
A federal judge ruled in April that Pacenza never told IBM about the stress disorder.
The judge also said others who violated IBM’s Internet policy were treated similarly.
Pacenza’s lawyer, Michael Diederich (DEE-duhr-ick), said Monday the decision is being appealed.
October 31, 2009: 6:20 pm
I like Eric but have only really seen his TV series self, but do your characters do the naughty then nice thing, too? Feels good to like the bad boys sometimes, as long as they redeem themselves |
Daize Shayne